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Guidelines and Membership

Organizational Guidelines and Form The California Compost Coalition (CCC) is solely a registered Lobbying Coalition administered under the State of California Fair Political Practices Commission’s (FPPC) regulations. CCC registers biannually and files quarterly reports with the FPPC, reporting on activities, funds received per contributor, and lobbying-related expenses paid; such reports are public information and are posted on the California Secretary of State’s website. CCC currently authorizes Edgar & Associates as its Lobbying Firm, but may use alternative or additional representation should it become necessary to properly address issues of concern to its members. Leadership CCC maintains an Executive Committee which makes all functional and policy decisions for the coalition. The Executive Committee currently consists of the following composters: All executive decisions will be approved by a clear majority of the Executive Committee, generally following discussion with lobbying staff and/or other coalition members. Neil Edgar currently serves as Executive Director of the CCC. The Executive Committee holds regularly-scheduled meetings or teleconferences to address CCC management or policy needs and maintain continuity. Membership and Participation CCC welcomes additional support from interested parties willing to adhere to its guidelines (herein described) and intends to act in the best interests of the composting industry, which may or may not always benefit each individual member. General membership meetings/teleconferences, and regular communication will be provided to keep members informed of CCC policy decisions and activities. The CCC will develop and maintain a Work Plan which is made available to members and other industry stakeholders. Prospective members may contribute on an issue-specific basis. For instance, should particular legislation or regulatory activity develop impacting composting industry members, industry-wide support may be required for the issue to be effectively addressed. The CCC could act as that vehicle through which funding could be properly channeled. As a Lobbying Coalition, all contributions are tracked and contributors reported under FPPC guidelines. However, reporting does not include tracking by individual issue. All new members and contributions will be accepted with Executive Committee approval. Only individuals authorized by the Executive Committee may speak on behalf of the California Compost Coalition. Contact us at to inquire about membership. Or call Neil Edgar, Executive Director at (916) 739-1200.

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